Then press ENTER . enter the desired screen number. at a specified location, To re-enter a Project ADVANCED RE-ENTRY MENUPAUL.EXE 2:4,8 ASIA LAW WALL ONE TWO PEACE LAODICEA MANUSCRIPTS EPHESUS ANSWER WINDOWS WINDOWS WINDOWANSWER R-ENTRR-SCRNMENUEXITAWINDO Press F1 , then ENTER , for Answer Window Press ENTER to continue. Press ENTER to return to DOS. MENUPAUL A> by typing MENUPAUL at the prompt, thus: (including the music) you may bypass the initialization ceremonies NOTE: When re-entering APOSTLE PAUL TUTORIAL End of Screen # 18/18 l. It is a warning against judaizers. k. It is a thank-you letter. j. It is a planning document. i. It is a partial autobiography of Paul. h. It is a treatise concerning problems in Philippi. why Paul wrote this letter to the Philippians? 3. Read Philippians 4:10-18. What seems to be the main reason g. It was probably to serve as a pastoral advisor to Paul. meet his living expenses while a prisoner in Rome. f. It was probably to bring a gift of money to help Paul e. It was probably to provide medical attention for Paul. Epaphroditus to Paul? 2. Compare the references. Why did the church in Philippi sendActs 28:304:10-18References: Philippians 2:25-30Screen # 17/18 his service as a slave to Philemon. d. Epaphroditus wanted to return to Colosse to resume church in Philippi. c. Epaphroditus had delivered a gift to Paul from the b. Epaphroditus was Paul's personal physician. Philippi. a. Epaphroditus was the founder of the church in 1. Identify Epaphroditus (Php 2:25-30 and 4:18). Screen # 16/18 Greek philosophy into Christian faith. c. In his letter, Paul warns Philemon against importing sending a runaway slave back home to his master. b. Philemon is a cover letter from Paul who is Christian people to liberate their slaves. a. Philemon is a letter in which Paul urges the following best describes the reason Paul wrote this letter? 1. There is always a reason why Paul writes a letter. Which of Screen # 15/18 Enter numbers. warn against false philosophical ideas? 2: 2: 5. In which two verses in chapter 2 does Paul j. To send a runaway slave back home. m. Onesimus i. To gather money for poor people in Jerusalem. l. Tychicus h. To provide information about Paul's circumstances. k. Philemon The purpose of the delegation (Philemon 12). The purpose of the delegation (Col. 4:8). The other person in the delegation. The leader of the delegation to Colosse. MATCH. 4. Compare Colossians 4:7-9 and Philemon 8-12. g. Epaphras f. Tychicus e. Paul 3. From whom did the Colossians learn the gospel (Col. 1:6-8)?Screen # 14/18 who lived in the province of heard the word of the Lord.' `This went on for two years, so that all the Jews and Greeks 2. Complete Acts 19:10. a. Antioch b. Ephesus c. Corinth d. Rome missionary trip? (Acts 19:1-10) Colosse, did Paul spend over two years during his third 1. In which city, located approximately 100 miles west of Screen # 13/18 stay separate. p. In the Christian church, Jews and Gentiles must commandments and regulations. o. Non-Jewish Christians must keep the law with its by the Jews. n. Paul means by `barrier' the religious laws kept broken down by Jesus. m. The barrier between Jews and Gentiles has been 9. What do you think Paul means by this passage? Enter words. its commandments and regulations.' of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the with and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing `For he himself is our , who has made the 8. Complete Ephesians 2:14 (NIV).Screen # 12/18 Philemon. l. Deliver letters to the church in Colosse and to k. Arrange for Paul's release from prison. j. Escort a runaway converted slave back to his master. i. Tell the recipients about Paul's circumstances. YES/NO. Compare Ephesians 6:21-22, Colossians 4:7-9, Philemon 8-12. 7. What other tasks does Tychicus have on this trip? h. Luke g. Tychicus f. Timothy (there was no public postal service in those days)? 6. Who is the person responsible for delivering this letter Reference: Ephesians 6:21-22Screen # 11/18 e. 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy d. Ephesians, Philemon, Colossians; Philippians c. 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans b. 1 and 2 Thessalonians a. Galatians Paul's Prison Epistles? 5. Of the following groups of letters, which is known as Enter y or n . YES/NO. we know as `Ephesians'? to which Paul refers in Colossians 4:16, is the letter 4. Do you think it is possible that the `letter from Laodicea,' turn read the letter from .' also read in the church of the Laodiceans and that you in `After this letter has been read to you, see that it is 3. Look up Colossians 4:16, and complete. Screen # 10/18 Some early do not have `in Ephesus.' 2. Complete footnote `a' for verse 1 (NIV). Enter a word. the saints in , the faithful in Christ Jesus.' `Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, To 1. Complete Ephesians 1:1. Screen # 9/18 imprisonment in Rome. It is likely that Paul was released from this 4. TRUE/FALSE. out in full force by the time Paul appealed to Caesar. Imperial persecution of Christians had already broken 3. TRUE/FALSE. a. Constantine b. Nero c. Philemon d. Seneca The Emperor before whom Paul expected to be tried was: 2. MULTIPLE CHOICE. (NIV Study Bible, p. 1701) Acts... 4. Tradition indicates that Paul went to Spain...' do not fit into the historical setting given in the book of Phm 22). 3. A number of the details in the Pastoral Letters soon; so he must have anticipated a release (see Php 2:24; this time. 2. Paul wrote to churches expecting to visit them released from this imprisonment: 1. Acts stops abruptly at `There are a number of indications that he [Paul] wasScreen # 8/18 (F.F. Bruce, The Book of the Acts, p. 479) little in A.D. 59 that gave warning of the events of A.D. 64.' were looked back upon as a miniature Golden Age. There was Afranius Burrus, the honest prefect of the praetorian guard, influence of his tutor Seneca, the Stoic philosopher, and when the imperial administration was carried on under the might be, the first five years of his reign (A.D. 54-59), confidence to him. But, whatever Nero's personal character it may seem strange that Paul should have appealed with such `To us who know Nero's record in relation to Roman Christianity, (NIV Study Bible, p. 1694) himself (or his representative) in Rome.' of every Roman citizen to have his case heard before Caesar `Nero had become the emperor by this time. It was the right questions which follow. non-scriptural sources; read them carefully and answer the This screen and the next contain several quotations fromScreen # 7/18 Enter letters. c. Acts 28:11-16 f. [ Acts 29 ! ] b. Acts 27:39 - 28:1 e. Acts 28:30-31 a. Acts 24:27; 25:10-12 d. Acts 28:16, 30 waiting for a fair trial in Caesarea. Paul appeals to Caesar after about two years of on the island of Malta. The ship in which Paul is traveling is shipwrecked and travel on to Rome in the Spring. Ship's crew and travelers spend the winter in Malta while awaiting trial, guarded by a Roman soldier. Paul is allowed to live in private quarters spends another two years as a prisoner in Rome. Besides the two prison years in Caesarea, Paul now to Paul at his trial before Caesar. The Book of Acts ends without telling what happened MATCH. 1. Match the references and the summaries. II. IMPRISONMENT in ROME Screen # 6/18 q. Caesar Augustus examines Paul and finds him guilty as charged. p. King Agrippa examines Paul and finds him innocent of charges. o. Paul requests to be sent to Rome for trial. n. Paul demands a fair trial before the Sanhedrin in Antioch. release Paul from prison. m. The Roman Governors Felix and Festus both neglect to l. King Herod examines Paul and orders him beheaded. to escape from Jerusalem. k. Paul is transferred to prison in Beirut because he tried Jews plot to kill him. j. Paul is transferred to prison in Caesarea because forty Select one from each of the following pairs. 3. After Paul's Arrest in Jerusalem.Reference: Acts 21:37 - 26:32Screen # 5/18 Enter t or f . custody. i. The Roman commander took Paul into protective against him in the temple. h. Jews who knew Paul in Ephesus started a riot the rites of purification. g. Paul tried to allay these suspicions by undergoing law of Moses and of not requiring circumcision. f. Paul had acquired a reputation for opposing the suspicious of Paul. e. Thousands of Christians in Jerusalem were in Jerusalem is James. d. In this reference, the only named leader of the church TRUE/FALSE. 2. Paul's arrest in Jerusalem.Reference: Acts 21:17-36Screen # 4/18 Enter a letter. c. Paul warns strenuously against Judaizers. b. Trouble awaits Paul in Jerusalem. a. Paul is determined to travel to Rome. Acts 20:22-23 Acts 21:10-12 Romans 15:31 Acts 21:4 1. What theme do the following passages have in common?Reference: Acts 21 - 26 I. IMPRISONMENT in JERUSALEM and CAESAREA Screen # 3/18 Press F5 then ENTER for advanced re-entry. Press F4 then ENTER to restart screen. Press F3 then ENTER to display MENU. Press F2 then ENTER to return to DOS. Press F1 then ENTER for ANSWER WINDOW. FUNCTION KEYS Further instructions will then appear on line 23. questions. After each answer please press the ENTER key. Clear and concise instructions are provided on-screen for all INSTRUCTIONSScreen # 2/18 I M P R I S O N M E N T Unit 7 A P O S T L E P A U L T U T O R I A LScreen # 1/18